What is it about Sudoku? When I get done solving one, I just want to solve another puzzle. And another, and another…
For those that don’t know, Sudoku (or Su Doku as some prefer) is an addictive puzzle created in America, popularized by the Japanese, and spread throughout the whole world.
A classic Sudoku puzzle is made up of nine rows and nine columns of numbers. These rows and columns make up nine mini-grids surrounded by a border. See the figure below.
Sudoku Puzzle
Sudoku PuzzleEach row, column, and region (mini-grid) can only have the numbers 1 through 9. Looks simple? Looks can be deceiving. Some puzzles are fiendish!
An easy puzzle can take only five to fifteen minutes to solve. A fiendish one may take hours without a computer program to give you hints.
Want to know the history of sudoku and how to play sudoku? you can visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku
Now we have a keychain sudoku , so you can take it anywhere and play it whenever.