For now, it is important to note that a lawyer is not allowed to “enter into, calculate or collect an agreement on an illegal or unscrupulous royalty.” (Rules of Conduct Prof. Regel 4-200 (a).) Whether a fee is unscrupulous is determined by taking into account eleven factors: (b) Failure to comply with a provision of this section renders the agreement questionable at the applicant`s option and the lawyer then has the right to recover reasonable fees. What is OFTOs? Offshore Owners (OFTOs) own offshore transmission facilities that connect offshore wind farms to the onshore power grid. Transmission facilities include everything that happens between the offshore connection point with generating wind farms and (B) Except as permitted by paragraph (A) of rule or rule 2-300, a member may not compensate, give or promise to a lawyer anything of value to recommend or secure the employment of a member or the member`s law firm. or as a reward for a recommendation leading to the employment of the member or the member`s law firm by a client. The offer or delivery of a gift or tip to a lawyer who has made a recommendation leading to the employment of the member or the member`s law firm is not in itself contrary to this rule, provided that the gift or tip was not offered with a promise, agreement or understanding in mind, that such a gift or tip would come, or that recommendations be made or made in the future. 500 000 000 0 The capacity for scruples is assessed “at the time of the conclusion of the contract, unless the parties envisage that the royalty will be influenced by subsequent events”. (Ibid.) The party invoking the faculty of scruples has the burden of justifying this condition. (Woodside Homes of Cal., Inc. Superior Court (2003) 107 Cal.App.4th 723, 728.) The mere fact that a possible tax to be paid by a client ultimately exceeds the amount that the lawyer would have charged by the hour makes a fee agreement and is not unscrupulous in itself.. . .